Leading by example
Uniting AgeWell is led by experienced and highly skilled senior executives who inspire and motivate our staff to excel every day.
Senior Executive Team
Uniting AgeWell has an experienced Chief Executive Officer and Senior Executive Team with decades of experience in the aged, health and community sector. Led by Chief Executive Officer Andrew Kinnersly, they draw on their vast skills and experience to make strategic decisions about the operations of the organisation, guide staff to continuously improve and develop high quality services. They are committed to innovative and person-centred care, and inspire our staff to do the same.
Our People
Andrew Kinnersly
Chief Executive Officer
Andrew has 25 years’ experience in health care management. Prior to joining Uniting AgeWell as CEO in October 2016, Andrew spent 12 years in Executive roles, including six years as Deputy CEO/Executive Director Finance and Business Development at Ballarat Health Services, and six years as Executive Director Finance and Business Development at Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre.
Andrew says he is proud to work for an organisation that has a rich history of providing high quality aged care services, a strong focus on improving customer service and choice, enhancing quality and safety, and strengthening its reputation as an employer of choice.
Rev Clare Brockett
Director of Mission
Clare is a Uniting Church Minister with over 14 years’ experience specialising in aged care ministry both in Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand. Her diverse experience includes hospice chaplaincy, congregational ministry, and teaching. Most recently she wrote resources and provided training for chaplaincy and clinical staff within Uniting NSW.ACT
Clare’s passion lies in paying attention to spirit, the very essence of who people are and how they function in the world. Clare is proud to be working for UA, integrating a spirituality framework that will underpin UA values, policies and procedures, in line with the ethos of the Uniting Church of Australia, and the 2019 aged care quality standards.
Glenn Cottee
General Manager Infrastructure
Glenn is a professional engineer and qualified health care administrator with 37 years’ experience working in the acute health and aged care service sectors. Glenn is proud to lead a team dedicated to maintaining and improving the organisation’s facilities, while meeting or bettering regulatory compliance safety standards.
Glenn and his team aim to provide living environments conducive to caring for and accommodating older persons, while adapting to meet the special needs of customers.
Scott Cumbrae-Stewart
Chief Financial Officer
Scott’s professional career spans more than 30 years working in large and complex organisations, most recently in mental and public health. Prior to joining Uniting AgeWell in December 2024, Scott was the Chief Financial Officer for Alfred Health. Scott brings to Uniting AgeWell expertise in Investment & Capital Management, Corporate Strategy and Planning, Corporate Structuring, M&A, Financial Planning & Analysis and Finance Transformation.
Scott is proud to work for an organisation committed to the care and wellbeing of its residents and clients and supporting them through their aging journey with kindness, respect and integrity.
Victoria Jacques
General Manager Victoria
Victoria has significant executive management experience in health and aged care, including residential aged care and palliative care for the public, private and not-for-profit sectors. A registered nurse with a Masters in Health and Education, she has been involved in the benchmarking of residential and palliative care services and responsible for commissioning hospital and aged care facilities.
Victoria heads up Uniting AgeWell’s Infection Control Committee and is executive sponsor of the Mental Health and Wellbeing Framework. The launch of a significant social work model is providing much-needed mental health and wellbeing support to residents.
Victoria is particularly proud of the organisation’s intergenerational program. Designed to enhance wellbeing for both residents and children, she says it’s bringing joy and laughter to our homes, giving us all a new lease on life.
Jane Johnston
General Manager Tasmania
Jane has extensive experience in the aged care sector. A Registered Nurse, Jane joined Uniting AgeWell in 2009 as a clinical care coordinator. She worked in a number of management roles before becoming Acting General Manager Tasmania in August 2015, and then General Manager Tasmania in 2017.
Jane’s passion is providing tailored services for older people that ensure the most positive quality of life possible for each individual with an emphasis on lifestyle choices. Jane is proud to be part of an organisation that is proactively working towards developing consumer directed care in residential services.
Sophie Legge
General Manager Quality and Risk
Sophie has extensive senior executive management experience with over thirty-five years focused on quality and risk management with strong clinical governance outcomes in acute and rural hospitals, remote health care, general practice, community disaster recovery and nine years in the aged care sector.
A registered nurse with Masters and a Masters Business Administration, Sophie has wide-ranging expertise, providing oversight for policy and guidance in infection prevention and control, emergency and disaster response management, quality and risk management systems, clinical and root cause analysis.
Sophie brings an open and inclusive team approach with passion and innovation, and a strong clinical background with a governance, research, education and training focus. Sophie is motivated by the customer’s journey, guiding staff and students to engage purposefully and drive quality improvement outcomes that ultimately support customer engagement and positive experiences.
Rebecca Ryan
General Manager Marketing and Community Relations
Rebecca has more than 30 years’ experience in strategic marketing, branding, communications and public relations across the not-for-profit, higher education and private sectors. Involved in the aged and disability services sector at senior management and executive level since 2001, she has led the successful rebranding and marketing of a number of highly regarded organisations, assisting their recognition as top of mind, trusted brands and leaders in their field.
Rebecca has a passion for promoting community engagement and social inclusion opportunities for people of all ages and abilities and giving them a voice through powerful communications. She is a Fellow of the Australian Marketing Institute.
Fonda Voukelatos
Deputy Chief Executive
Fonda has over 15 years’ experience in health, aged care, community services and government sectors. Prior to joining Uniting AgeWell in September 2014, Fonda held executive positions that involved the implementation of the Federal Government’s aged care reforms; developed and implemented Australia’s first Consumer Directed Care research program and implemented a range of strategic, transformational and business growth initiatives.
Fonda is proud to work for Uniting AgeWell as it strives to make the biggest and best impact in the lives of customers, their families and communities, and in doing so commits to developing and implementing best practices to enable its people to always do better.