Have your say
We are establishing a Customer Advisory Body made up of people who use our aged care services, their carers and family members.
We want to know what is important to you, so we can improve the quality of our services.
Members of the Uniting AgeWell Customer Advisory Body will be invited to share ideas and opinions about:
- The quality and range of services offered by Uniting AgeWell
- The technology we and our customers use
- How we communicate and provide resources
- Areas for improvement and issues of concern.
If you would like to place an expression of interest to join our Customer Advisory Body please contact us via email at [email protected]
Email your expression of interestHow can you participate?
All members of the Customer Advisory Body must commit to participate for one year, with the possibility of extension.
We invite members to participate in around 2 tasks per year, they may be online or in-person meetings, surveys, or one-on-one discussions.
We understand that you may not be able to participate in some activities. There is no obligation to take part in a certain number of activites.

How recommendations are used?
Recommendations provided by the Customer Advisory Body will inform Uniting AgeWell’s Board and Executive Leadership Team of the organisation’s quality of care for each of its services.
UnitingAgeWell will:
- Consider the Customer Advisory Body's recommendations for improvement when making decisions about the quality of care and services.
- Write to the Customer Advisory Body about how its recommendations were considered.

Who can join?
Every 12 months, we will offer all Uniting AgeWell customers and their representatives the opportunity to provide your expression of interest to join our Customer Advisory Body.
Our Customer Advisory Body is made up of current customers across our range of services, and the carers or close family members of those receiving our services.
We welcome an inclusive Customer Advisory Body, acknowledging our heritage, we are committed to creating an environment that respects, values and celebrates diversity and equality of opportunity and access.

Get in touch
We'd love to hear from you. Fill out the form and we'll be in touch soon!
Phone: 1300 783 435
Email: [email protected] -
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