When Kathy Bacsa joined the specialist seniors gym at Uniting AgeWell, she was in chronic pain and only able to lift her leg three inches off the ground.
A problem during a knee replacement left the avid rock ‘n’ roll dancer in a coma and on life support, and when she eventually left hospital she could barely walk.
“When I came to Uniting AgeWell’s Noble Park gym I was a little bit lost,” she said. “I’d been to other rehab places but they didn’t understand my needs.
I feel so comfortable with Uniting AgeWell, the staff are so lovely. The program and equipment have helped me so much; they’re just what I needed.
“They strengthened me up very, very well and what has been set out for me is just right. Now I’m working towards getting back to dancing!"
Uniting AgeWell’s allied health centres across Melbourne support people to regain or maintain their wellbeing through programs tailored to the person’s needs.
Three centres, including Noble Park, have state-of-the-art equipment that uses air resistance technology to provide targeted exercises, all programmed to the individual using a smart-card system.
Uniting AgeWell Project Manager Amanda Mehegan said the centres also offered exercise groups including Tai Chi, yoga, stretch classes and pilates, as well as allied health services such as physiotherapy, podiatry and massage.
She said clients could choose from membership packages that suited their needs.
“A client may want to use the gym once a week and attend a group class with an exercise physiologist or see another allied health professional once a week,” she said.
It’s important clients can access the services that best suit their personal situation, when they need them.
Amanda said maintaining a person’s health and wellbeing was important at any age and stage of life.
“Research shows that exercise, social activities, relaxation, education and technology have positive impacts on wellbeing, anxiety and depression in older people,” she said.
“Having a wellness focus across all our programs means we can support everyone’s mental and physical wellbeing, no matter how they access our services.”
Amanda said Uniting AgeWell was implementing a new wellness model that offered wellness programs to everyone, from those living independently in the community or in retirement living, to those in their aged care residences.
Social support forms an important part of that too. Uniting AgeWell offers activity groups and outings at their day activity centres across Melbourne, including specialist groups for people with particular conditions including dementia and Parkinson’s disease.
People can also receive social support through their Home Care Package, such as an outing or companionship at home.
Amanda said under Uniting AgeWell’s wellness focus, exercise physiologists could help develop appropriate exercise and movement programs as part of these groups, ensuring everyone had the ability to enhance their social, physical and mental wellbeing to live well.
View the Uniting AgeWell wellness program locations, or contact 1300 783 435 for more information.
Allied Health and Therapy Programs
Our five Allied Health and Therapy Centres provide a range of restorative services, including allied health services, that can assist you to regain or maintain your strength and resilience, remain socially connected and living independently.
Find out how we can help you to remain active.

Home Care
A Home Care Package with Uniting AgeWell can help you to keep doing the things that are important to you, that bring you pleasure and help you stay connected to your community.
The Uniting AgeWell team can provide you with all the information you need to get you on your way to health and wellness at home.