

Connections over cooking

Chadstone gathering celebrates cooking and connections

"There is no sincerer love than the love of food.” – George Bernard Shaw.

The love of cooking brings people together and every fortnight at Chadstone St Mark’s Centre, cooking classes are held.

Just one of the regulars, Eleanor (pictured centre), has been attending the regular gathering for the past few years.

“During COVID, the team reached out to see how I was doing. My husband was in Aged Care and it was a great way to connect with people.”

So committed were the team, they conducted cooking classes over the phone and sometimes by video, letting Eleanor know what ingredients to buy prior to the virtual lesson. Post COVID, she began attending in person, and continues to enjoy learning about all different styles of cuisine.

“It’s nice to meet new people, all from different backgrounds. I don’t think I would find something like this anywhere else. It’s broadened my social circles and who I meet.”

On alternate weeks, Eleanor also enjoys the arts and craft gatherings.

The group would like to share one of their favourite recipes.

Mauritian Curry


1 egg plant onions l can tomatoes curry powder turmeric

coriander powder lamb pieces with bone salt and pepper to taste

Bunch of fresh coriander


Partly peel the egg plant and cut into small dice.

Peel and finely chop onions

Season lamb with coriander, turmeric, salt and pepper

Brown the lamb in batches

Fry the onion, the egg plant and the chopped coriander roots to soften then add the curry powder and the tomatoes

Return the lamb to the pan with some chopped coriander and cook until the lamb is tender

Serve with boiled rice and carrot and cucumber salad. Garnish with chopped coriander.


Grate carrots and cucumber.

Squeeze cucumber to remove excess juice then combine with the carrot.

Season with salt and pepper, add olive oil and lemon juice.