

Glam Gran loves life

At the age of 89, Jean Mitchell is still pretty glamorous – after all she’s had years of practice perfecting her look.

The Uniting AgeWell Andrew Kerr Care resident used to be a Flight Attendant for Trans Australian Airlines (TAA) where she rubbed shoulders with the ‘rich and famous’ over the years.

On occasion, she was on a private charter flight with American trumpeter and vocalist Louis Armstrong – and the whole night his trumpet never left his hands. He asked Jean what her favourite song was, and when she told him Blueberry Hill, he promptly sang it to her!

Jean also flew with Spanish Opera Singer Victoria de los Angeles and with many famous Olympians during the 1956 Olympic Games.

Some of the American athletes would give the air hostesses gifts, and Jean remembers receiving a beautiful make-up powder compact with a photo case.

“The best time of my life was being in the air!” says Jean. “I got to meet so many wonderful people I wouldn’t have met.”

High heels and make-up

Jean recalls that it was very difficult to become an air hostess as she calls herself. She remembers being one of 50 girls lining up for an interview for the job. “Your hair nails and make-up had to be perfect. You had to show your nails to make sure they were right for the part,” she says. “Presentation was important, you always had to look your best. Your uniform had to be bright and everything had to be in order. I loved the way the uniform came together and I was proud to be wearing it.”

Jean smiles as she remembers how the air hostesses would cheat with their uniforms. They were told to wear flat heels, but they all wanted to wear high heels. “Once we were in the air, we would throw off our low heels and get our high heels on! We thought our legs would look better in the higher heels.”

Her favorite aircraft was the DC3 Douglas and during the course of her career, Jean flew all over Australia. “I felt most secure and always happy when flying in a DC3 Douglas aircraft”.

Falling in love

One day, the Scots-born Jean met a passenger onboard who, quite simply, stole her heart. And she shared the same surname as Donald Mitchell so she was saved the bother of changing her name after they were married.

The couple went on to have two children, Gregory and Ashleigh. Her husband passed away ten years ago, and Jean looks back on a happy marriage that has created her family, including two of grandchildren, Emily and Jack.

Still meeting new people

Some things don’t change.

Jean still meets interesting people, however, at the Mornington aged care facility where she lives, and she is still as sociable and as well dressed as ever. She also takes part in activities of interest and loves having a good laugh.

Her last flight was to Port Douglas two years ago. She was glamorous, she loved the flight – and of course it was fun to be waited on instead of looking after others!

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