

Overcoming hurdles

Savitha Thommana is the living embodiment of International Nurses Day!

She’s nursed in India and in Rome but has found her niche as a Registered Nurse at Uniting AgeWell Queenborough Rise Community in beautiful Hobart.

Savitha has been at the residential community for three years now and counts herself lucky to be in such a supportive environment. However her colleagues and residents know they’re the lucky ones to have her.

Savitha was born in India, did her Bachelor of Nursing there and tutored in nursing as well as working in ICU in an international hospital in Mumbai.

She was married at the age of 23 and moved to Rome with her husband, who is in the building industry and was contracted to work there. They lived in Rome for five years, during which Savitha did home care nursing – as well as welcoming their daughter into the world.

“Then we decided to move to Australia, but we had a number of hurdles to get through before I could nurse here,” explains Savitha.

She worked in residential aged care in Melbourne for six years while she undertook the conversion program necessary for her to become a registered nurse in Australia. After much to-ing and fro-ing this finally came through in 2019.

“I’m at a middle management level here,” explains Savitha. “I find it very rewarding caring for the residents and also partnering in care with their families and with the doctors. It is wonderful to be part of the whole-of-person support team. ”

Savitha also enjoys the professional development and learning modules that Uniting AgeWell provides to all nurses to keep them on top of their game.

Her daughter is now 14 years old, and Savitha says they’re enjoying the laid-back outdoors lifestyle in Tasmania.

“It’s been a long journey to get here, but it’s worth it,” says Savitha.

Learn more about nursing careers at Uniting AgeWell