

UA acknowledged at Tasmanian Awards

Uniting AgeWell’s commitment to seniors was recognised at the 2016 Tasmanian Community Achievement Awards. 

Uniting AgeWell Acting General Manager Tasmania Jane Johnston said the organisation was extremely humbled to be a finalist in the Employer Excellence in Aged Care category along with organisations including The Salvation Army Barrington Lodge, Mt St Vincent Nursing Home and KinCare Tasmania.  

“Congratulations to The Salvation Army Barrington Lodge on taking the top prize and the other amazing finalists in the category,” Jane said. 

The awards, presented at the Grand Chancellor Hobart on November 5, were attended by UA Board Chair Rev Allan Thompson, Deputy Board Chair Wendy Quinn, CEO Andrew Kinnersly and a number of Managers Integrated Services from across Tasmania. 

Jane said it was an incredible night and meeting the other finalists and winners left her truly inspired.

“Thank you to the organisers of the Gala Presentation Dinner,” she said. 

“It was an amazing opportunity to be in the same room with so many different organisations and individuals, all contributing to our community.”

The Awards recognise and acknowledge aged care facilities, individuals, organisations, not-for-profits and businesses making a positive difference in the community. 

The aged care award is awarded to an organisation with a strong focus on staff engagement, safety and wellbeing, training and providing staff with learning and development opportunities.  It also recognises the provision of quality services for clients and residents. 

Jane said being a finalist was testimony to the great work of our staff and how they make a positive difference to the lives of Tasmanian seniors every day. 

“Aged care can be demanding but also rewarding area to work,” she said.

Uniting AgeWell has over 760 employees across Tasmania and is the leading provider in aged care services in the state, providing residential and community services to more than 1000 clients.