Donations are extremely important to Uniting AgeWell and the work we do.

From enabling us to grant the wishes of our clients through our Wishing Well program, to funding our innovative palliative care program, Namaste, donations enable us to do more for our clients.

You can help us support seniors to age well by getting involved in one of our donation programs.

  • Leave a lasting gift in your will
  • Make a regular, ongoing donation
  • Make a donation in memory of a loved one
  • Donate to our Music For David program providing music therapy to people with dementia
  • Donate to our Wishing Well program

Help us build a better future for seniors. Choose one of the options below to discover how your contribution can change a life.

  • Get in touch

    We'd love to hear from you. Fill out the form and we'll be in touch soon!

    Phone: 1300 783 435
    Email: [email protected]

  • Locations

    We have offices across metropolitan and regional Victoria and Tasmania.

    Find your local office