

Checking in on men's health

During Men’s Health Week, from June 10-16, it’s time for men to take stock of their mental and physical wellbeing.

The campaign this year – the 30th anniversary of Men’s Health Week - focuses on “checking in with our health” and encourages men and boys to do just that.

The campaign focuses on the key foundations of good health in men:

  • nutrition,
  • exercise,
  • connection,
  • reducing risk-taking,
  • health literacy and sleep,
  • achievable and sustainable habits to improve outcomes in each one.

Recent health statistics make grim reading. Australian men have a lower life expectancy, are more likely to be overweight and experience higher rates of a range of chronic diseases in comparison to women. The suicide rate of men is three times that of women.

Often it’s not just one support mechanism in place – it is whole-of-care support that is needed to enable men to live their best lives, especially as they get older. Uniting AgeWell recognises the need for a holistic approach to health whether living independently at home or in residential care.

In recognising mental health is as important as physical health, Uniting AgeWell’s Mental Health and Wellbeing Framework outlines the approach and measures we take to support the mental health and wellbeing of not only older clients, but also our staff.