

Here's one for the history books

Don Golding shares a long and rich history with Uniting AgeWell.

Don was on the committee of the Belmont Presbyterian church that made the original decision to build the Kalkee Halliday Cottages independent living units on the parcel of land bequeathed to it and then, as a carpenter, Don was the maintenance man for the units.

Ten years ago he moved into another set of Uniting AgeWell independent living units in Geelong with his wife, Doreen.

Don’s enthusiasm for the newly constructed Uniting AgeWell independent living units was infectious! He saw the potential of older people living there and having the best of both worlds, and over the years he was proud to be

the maintenance man for the site. “The units are very well built,” he says.

”They’re great!”

So when Don’s son suggested to him eight years ago that he and Doreen sell their big family home and move in with him and stay in a granny flat on his property, Don found himself saying “No thanks! I’ve got this sorted!”

Don had fixed the next stage of his life – living in peace and comfort at an independent living village that he helped maintain over all the years.

Home from home

Don and Doreen have always been there for each other, through thick and thin. They coped with the unimaginable loss of two adult children to cancer – and they simply faced Doreen’s ongoing health issues in the same stoic, courageous way. And once again, they had Uniting AgeWell in their corner. Literally!

With Kalkee Murray residential care community nearby, they’d already made friends with many of the residents there and got to know the kindness and care the facility is known for.

And two years ago, the couple moved into Kalkee Community Murray residential care when Doreen required higher levels of care. They shared a bedroom and a lounge room opposite, which meant it felt like a home away

from home. And best of all, Don didn’t have to do the cooking anymore! “The meals here are great,” Don says. “And there’s plenty of food! There’s always something delicious on the go!”

Don threw himself into the activities of the home. He’s involved with helping manage the footy tipping, he chairs the resident/relative meetings and takes part in all the other activities on offer. He’s also been charged with saying grace before meals. And after formal recognition for fifty years of service to the Kalkee Community and the Uniting Church, he’s pretty delighted

to be entrusted with this role.

When Doreen passed away at Christmas, Don found huge comfort in being with his extended Uniting AgeWell family.

And Don, now 92,is getting on with life. He loves chatting to his family and friends on Facetime calls, getting out into the garden at every opportunity and going out into his beloved Geelong for outings with family and friends.

He’s hoping to go to Townsville to see his latest great-grandchildren he’s not yet met.

“Kalkee Murray is my home,” Don says simply.“I’m where I want to be.”

Learn more about Uniting AgeWell Kalkee Community, Murray