

Liven up your meals with Gwen's Famous Pineapple Pickle

Mildura’s Gwen Lambert knits bonnets and slippers for those in need and her onion jam and pineapple pickles - made from a 100-year-old recipe - are legendary.

And enabling older people like 79-year-old Gwen to live well with choice and peace of mind is what it’s all about for Uniting AgeWell.

Gwen, who is never happier than when cooking up a storm in her kitchen despite the crippling arthritis in her hands and arms, says she couldn’t cope without Uniting AgeWell.

“I struggle with the housework,” she says. “So, with my home care package I get domestic assistance and help with the garden. I know if I need anything else, I only have to ask. Uniting AgeWell is just marvellous!”

Gwen is a pretty marvellous too. She cooks casseroles, pies and other “really yummy but plain” meals, which she gives to her hugely appreciative friends. She’s still working on getting her two and four-legged family members to join her fan club.

“My family are into this organic, new-fan-dangled food, and my dogs, Bobby and Josie, are so fussy they turn up their noses at home cooked chicken and prefer tinned food instead!” she laughs.

Gwen also knits bonnets for new-borns at Mildura Hospital, as well as beanies and slippers for older residents. “I get great joy in giving people things that I have made,” she says simply.

Here's her secret recipe. And thanks for sharing, Gwen!

Gwen's Famous Pineapple Pickle
(makes about four jars)


  • 500 grams finely chopped onions
  • two 450gram cans of pineapple pieces (or crushed pineapple)
  • a quarter cup of salt
  • one and a half cups of white vinegar
  • two cups white sugar

Place finely chopped onions in a bowl, spread salt over them and leave overnight. Wash salt off the next day and drain. Take onions, vinegar and sugar and stir until dissolved in large pan on medium heat.

Add pineapple. If it is in pieces, crush it in a blender to make pineapple crush. Bring to boil and boil for 15 minutes.

Then in a separate bowl mix a quarter cup of corn flour, one tablespoon of curry powder and one tablespoon of mustard, with a splash of vinegar.

Take the pineapple off the stove and let it cool. Add the above mix and stir in well. Put back on stove to boil for a minute until it thickens.