• It takes a Village

    It takes a Village!

    Around 2000 people attended an old-fashioned Family Fun Fair in Newnham recently which was such an enchanting success it’s set to become an annual event.
    Published: 23 April 2024
    Category: Residential Care
  • Leslie

    Being cared for and caring for others

    For Leslie, the many little visitors The Herd ILC brings to Andrew Kerr Care Community has added more laughs, games and much welcomed joy to her day. The excitement has...
    Published: 18 April 2024
    Category: Residential Care
  • Rose

    A win-win in grand-friending

    One year after the opening of The Herd Intergenerational Learning Centre at Uniting AgeWell Andrew Ker Care Community, residents Rose and Barry Smith are only too happy to express their...
    Published: 18 April 2024
    Category: Residential Care
  • Brian Anderson

    Standing ready

    Over the years, Brian's service and commitment to Australia has never waned. When it comes to honouring the fallen, Brian is determined to never be on the sidelines.
    Published: 16 April 2024
    Category: Residential Care
  • Graduates

    Hats off to our emerging young leaders!

    The inaugural group of Uniting AgeWell’s BEST Operational and Emerging Leaders Course have graduated, blazing the trail for others to follow in their footsteps.
    Published: 11 April 2024
    Category: Organisational
  • Wanaka

    Receive the gracious love of God this Easter

    Our Director of Mission, Rev Clare Brockett is taking this Easter as an opportunity to encourage the UA family to reflect on what it means to be a follower of...
    Published: 28 March 2024
    Category: Organisational
  • Maraia banner

    New job, new life

    After the death of her partner Maraia Waqangau moved back to Swan Hill –but never imagined her new-found friends would change the course of her life.
    Published: 22 March 2024
    Category: Staff stories
  • Rochelle

    New-found safety

    Rochelle is a Home Care Support Worker from northern South Africa. Read about her story this Harmony Week.
    Published: 21 March 2024
    Category: Staff stories
  • Sandy Saplota

    A smart choice

    Ted leads a team of nurses and is charged with not only their professional development but for ensuring the best possible care for residents. Find out more about his nursing...
    Published: 21 March 2024
    Category: Staff stories
  • Community Chat Winter 2023

    Happiness is...different for everyone.

    Uniting AgeWell is celebrating the International Day of Happiness the way we do each and every day – by doing our best to facilitate the happiness of our clients and residents.
    Published: 20 March 2024
    Category: Organisational

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