

Strathdon Community Art Exhibition – a success

Strathdon Community Art Exhibition – a success

Art lovers from across Melbourne, including community members and local dignitaries, poured into the Strathdon Community Art Exhibition to take in the impressive works on show last weekend.

More than 100 people attended the Opening Night Cocktail Party of the Exhibition on Thursday, April 14, with hundreds more coming through over the next three days.

In its 13th year, 52 artworks were purchased over the exhibition - the highest number ever sold.

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  • Uniting AgeWell Marketing Officer Events, Madelin McGrath said this year’s exhibition had a new look and feel with refurbished boards and flood lighting, showing the works in their best light.  

    “Many visitors including the participating artists and State Member of Forest Hill Neil Angus MP were impressed with the new look and the quality of the artwork, describing the exhibition as ‘high standard’,” she said.

    Money raised at the event will go towards the seniors lifestyle and leisure activities at Strathdon Community,

    Thanks to all the wonderful sponsors, supporters and volunteers who helped make the Exhibition such a success.

Winning Artwork

Best Work

Sponsored by: Wilbow Group Pty Ltd
Susan O'Brien - Sheep Farming

2nd Best Work

Sponsored by: Cura Health
Jan Long - Eastern Wamphens

3rd Best Work

Sponsored by Joyce & Fred Carstens
Mary Hennekam - Hakea

Best Animal or Bird Work

Sponsored by Rev. Barbara Allen
Julie Ricketts - Kooka

Best Miniature Work

Sponsored by Fiducian Financial Services
Pauline Stewart - The Hunt, Merton

Best Work Under $500

Sponsored by Save Time Visuals
Keith Blake - Derribong

Best Work Under $250

Sponsored by Uniting AgeWell
Ann Guy - Pass the Soap 5