

The recipe for healthier living

Between his salad and veggie-rich diet and getting around with his walker he’s nicknamed Bucephalus after the famed wild Ancient Greek horse, Frank Trappes reckons he’s in pretty good nick.

The 76-year-old is happy to share that while he’s not as fit as Alexander the Great’s war horse, he’s living well and safely at home, thanks to a government-funded home care package through Uniting AgeWell.

During Men’s Health Week, from June 10-16, it’s time to highlight what Uniting AgeWell is doing to help clients buck the trend of alarming statistics which show around 40 percent of poor health and premature death among Australian men. These numbers can be prevented by healthier habits.

Frank, who lives at Uniting AgeWell’s Cottage Gardens Independent Retirement Living village, heads out for walks with Bucephalus, which he uses for mobility issues following a hip operation.

“We have some wild times together!” he jokes.

He’s also delighted that he’s managed to lose weight since changing his eating habits. While Frank’s eyesight is not the best, he loves watching telly, especially documentaries.

He puts much of his wellbeing down to the personal and domestic care, as well as social visits he receives through services provided by Uniting AgeWell. Frank still drives but likes to go shopping with the carers because he enjoys their company so much! And he’s tickled pink that one of his carers is also a chef. “She cooks quite a few meals for me, so I’ve got it pretty good,” he says.

For Frank, mental health and wellbeing is equally as important. Men across Uniting AgeWell services are supported to be proactive to create social connections to ensure they remain positive and happy.

Find out more about life at Cottage Gardens