

The Talking Mental Health Project wins an award

Uniting AgeWell has won the Future of Ageing Research Award for the Talking Mental Health Project announced in Sydney on Thursday 29 August.

Uniting AgeWell Director Strategy & Innovation Nina Bowes says "Uniting AgeWell is proud to be at the forefront of cutting edge research which improves the lives of older Australians. It is heartening to know this project has already helped countless people. It is a privilege to be able to make a difference."

This is a sentiment shared by Uniting AgeWell Deputy CEO Fonda Voukelatos. “Over the past six years, when Uniting AgeWell has been developing its strategy, its number one priority is to have the client at the centre of everything we do. One key way of doing that is through our investment in research and innovation. The outcomes of that work is to better the lives of the people we serve and the broader community.”

The Talking Mental Health project is a collaboration between Uniting AgeWell and researchers from Flinders University and the National Ageing Research Institute (NARI), with funding from Aged Care Research and Industry Innovation Australia (ARIIA).

Talking Mental Health focuses on co-designed tools and training to increase the skills and confidence of home care workers to identify and respond to the mental health and wellbeing of older people living in the community.
The project team worked with staff, clients and a Project Advisory Group (PAG). The PAG included older people and their family, as well as experts from Beyond Blue and Mental Health First Aid Australia.

Staff and clients from Uniting AgeWell Melbourne West Metro Home Care demonstrated strong committed to the project which began in March 2023. In May this year, a thank you lunch was held at the Kingsville office to say a heartfelt thank you to all those involved.

You can watch the journey of the pilot project here: Talking Mental health Project

Videos were also created about each stage of the research project and were part of the submission for the award. You can watch them here:

  1. Talking Mental Health – Co-Design Workshop
  2. Talking Mental Health – Staff Training
  3. Talking Mental Health – A Case Study

Congratulations to all involved in the project!